Quick Media Converter (Converts flv, 3gp, real media)
Some features:
Converts to and from most formats including :
· Real Media TS QuickTime, PSP
· iPod Iphone WMV VCD 3GP 3G2
· M4A AMR H264 H263
Converts to and from mobile phones file formats.
Converts all FLV files or Youtube Dailymotion Break etc.
Captures and records Webcam and DV Cam flux (video and sound)
This application will allow you to record videos or take picturesfrom your Webcam or DV Cam flux, in avi format, then convert it to anyformat you need.
Most of the times when I was looking on theInternet for a movie file converter I ended up in despair. The mainreason for my search was usually the inability of the bunch of playersI had to load some of my video files. As a secondary important reason,sometimes I wanted to transfer some of the sounds or video clips frommy computer on my phone, but I was unable to do so because I couldn'tfind them in the phone's supported format.
Quick Media Converter is a very easy-to-use tool based onversatility and speed. It converts from and to the most common formatsand even more, because to be honest with you I found file types I neverheard of before. The interface is easy to read and the steps you needto follow are easy to understand. Besides the file conversion feature,the application has Webcam options so you can record your own videos inAVI format and send them to your friends, transfer them on your phoneor convert and upload them on the Internet.
Initially it creates standard AVI files, but using its built-in SWFProducer you have a choice of swapping to bandwidth-friendly StreamingFlash videos (SWF file format).
Mainly designed for building tutorials, CamStudio records all audioand video activity from your screen and it might be the solution youhave been looking for. Being an open source
program, CamStudio comes as an improvement from the previousversion of QMC, an extension pack with its own set of options andrules. The output file containing different regions of your Windowsscreen are saved in AVI format or bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flashvideos (SWF file format) – the latter is designed for an easy Internetupload – and it can be converted afterwards into another file type thatsuits your need.
Although seeming unavailable, Assistance menu is hidden by theForum and "CocoonVideos" logos. Help included in a minimalist Webbrowser that restricts surfing only to developer's pages. If you everget stuck with the application, go have a look in there. FAQ section ispresent and answers the most common questions and not only, and you canalso find video tutorials on how to get yourself out of trouble.Registering in the producer's website should allow you to upload up to2 MB of video from your hard drive.
An important thing I have to mention when we are talking about anyapplication is money. Well, you don't have to worry about it becausethis versatile application is completely free of charge, it has norestriction or trial limit and your videos are not engraved with anykind of logo. Pretty cool I would say!
As soon as you open the application, you will be nicely surprisedby the 3D effect attached to this action. Having an inside look, firstthing we can talk about is the interface. It has been developed instyle, with toolbar Logos in large size and intuitive action buttons.You are going to realize soon enough that it’s just content in a windowframe, but the visual impact the program has on you makes you forgetabout that very quickly.
Talking about the menu bar, oh well, there is not much to say aboutit, I'm afraid. Probably you will never use it, unless you want toswitch from English to French. As for the Exit button, there is a large"image" on the interface with "Quit" message written under it so we allknow what it means. Unless you want to re-read the license, hit updateif you are searching for a newer version of this program.
Like I have mentioned before, you don't need to be a rocketscientist to see how the program works. All that is required from yourinput are the files to be converted. You can do this by browsing forthem on your medium support, or just drag & drop them. Deleting allfiles or showing their properties is also available in the software.The context menu from the application window gives you access toMediaInfo, Delete and Play function which are also to be found in theinterface. If you have no idea about the Info a video file might revealyou can have a look, but don't expect to understand half of the detailsyou are going to see unless you are an expert in the field.
In the case you will try to convert some files, all the six stepsyou need to take are thoroughly explained, so there is no room forerror in what you are doing. You will be surprised of the speed of theconverter. The process consists in selecting one file to be converted(or batch them all), browse for the output directory, choose one of theformats for the conversion and press the movie-like "Action"pictograph. Take step 6 to see the results.
Quick Media Converter (QMC) can convert to and from various fileformats as: FLV, AVI, DIVX, XVID, MPEG, MPEG, 2, MP3, RealMedia,QuickTime, PSP, iPod, iPhone, WMV, VCD, 3GP, 3G2, M4A, AMR, H264, H263.Check it for yourself, as they are hidden under suggestive icons.
In Expert Mode things are done basically in the same way. Drag andDrop a file, choose the output folder and 1 of the 41 available outputformat types. But before you reach the final point, here comes the"expert" part. Experienced users will benefit from setting options likeCodec, BitRate, Frame, Ratio, Freq. Rate and Crop which are not foreveryone to understand and that is why these are under Expert Mode. Toobad the publisher was a bit cheep with additional info about this.Unfortunately, the software does not come with the right video codecsso if you try to convert a file without the right codec, the conversionprocess will do nothing.
The Webcam feature comes as a plus for this application. Again, wehave to take advantage of the easiness of using the program. Select thevideo driver for your webcam, choose the destination folder and pressStart. With the webcam settings being adjusted directly from theapplication, the difference consists in the possibility of changing thestream settings. Via drop-down menus you can change resolution (between160x120 and 640x480), pixel depth and compression (MJPG, YUY2) and thefile size.
By default the file is saved in AVI format, but you can change thiswith the help of the program by converting the file to any other typethat suits your needs. You can also take pictures in BMP format, whichcan be adjusted or modified with third-party software. There were someminor glitches here that I found to be annoying. First of all, thewebcam preview was flickering like hell, and secondly, setting thedefault folder for the newly created files seemed to be not enoughsince once you stopped recording you were being asked again for thedirectory's path and for the name of the file.
"CocoonVideos" pictogram reveals the internal browser of thesoftware. Don't get too excited, as this browser works only forapplication's related links and not on any other websites. But it’sstill an important feature because if you register (free of charge),you get 2GB of space on the publisher's server to upload your videos.If you decide to exit and use another option of the program, there isno need of closing the browser, just press another pictograph and youare there.
Forum was designed for the user's Assistance facilities. It startsfrom the same internal browser idea as above and the possibility ofregistering is being offered in here as well. Once registered, you canask for help in one of the threads or read the QMC's FAQ. Reportingapplication's bugs is welcomed here, and if you are trying to discoverthe secrets of experienced movie makers, try the "Expert Mode HandOut." You can also find a link to tutorials on the producer's website.
As an overall to what has been said by now, Quick Media Converteris a flexible and easy-to-use tool for the conversion of video andaudio files, in a wide variety of formats. The speed of the conversionprocess is incredible. Some say that on rare situations the resultedfiles may not be fully converted or unreadable, but I never encounteredthis. The interface is user friendly and has Logos of the most commonfile formats.
The Good
It converts to and from various video and audio file formats. Itslarge buttons and the entire design make a flexible and versatileinterface. Webcam feature lets you take pictures and save your ownhome-made films. Experienced movie makers are welcomed, as there areVideo, Audio and Crop file options that the program allows to bemodified. Everything can be configured easily via tabs and drop-downmenus.
It has CamStudio open source software integrated for building tutorials, for home or business use.
The Bad
The help inside the application is unavailable, especially forExpert Mode where it is needed the most. Some glitches are to be noted,such as the flickering of the preview or software's inability toremember the path for the output folder in Webcam mode. The Englishversion contains some remnants of French words here and there.
The major problem about this application is represented by codecs.The program doesn't come with any of them installed and you have tolook on the Internet for a pack containing all the necessary ones, asinstalling them one by one might take some time.
The Truth
Quick Media Converter is a good piece of software which can beinstalled and be easily used on any computer. It has a nice 3D effectwhen opened, it is very useful and quickly converts a wide range offile types. It is a free program, without restrictions, time trials orany kind of logo engraving on your files.Download Now

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