Media Player Codec Pack 3.3.1
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Publisher's description of Media Player Codec Pack
The Media Player Codec Pack is a simple to install package ofcodecs/filters/splitters used for playing back music and movie files.After installation you will be able to play 99.9% of files through yourmedia player, along with XCD's, VCD's, SVCD's and DVD's. Also includedin the package are a number of encoder codec's, allowing you to encodefiles in formats such as DivX. XviD, x264 and many more in yourfavourite encoding application. Compression types supported includeDivX, XviD, x264, h.264 and many more in AVI, MKV, OGM, MP4 files.Video file types supported include 3GPP, AVI, MKV, OGM, MP4, MPG, MPEG,VOB, DAT, FLV, PS, TS, NUV. Audio file types supported include AC3,DTS, AAC, APE, FLAC, TTA, WV, OGG, Vorbis, MO3, IT, XM, S3M, MTM, MOD,UMX. Please Note: Protected formats such as iTunes and RealMedia mayrequire a specific player. Version 3.3.1 updates a number of components.Download Now

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