Jessica Alba is the cover girl of Elle magazine March 2009 issue. Read the interview highlights at below:
On losing the baby weight: “I did it for the Campari job. [The workouts] were horrible. I cried. And I haven’t worked out since.
I wore a girdle. Eight weeks after my girlfriend had her baby, you could see her six-pack. She told me to put an elastic band around my waist—any kind of band or girdle works. She was like, “I slept in it.” I didn’t recover as fast as she did. I don’t have a sixpack—that’s just not my body at all.
I’m not completely back to where I was. It’s not the same, but it’s not that serious. I’d rather spend an evening with my baby and give her a bath and read her stories and watch her roll around than go work out in a gym.
On away from her baby daughter Honor Marie: This is the first time I’ve been away from her. It’s been six days. It sucks; it’s the worst thing ever. But we Skype, so I can see her on video. The worst is when you can see her little chubby hands grab the screen, and I’m not there. [She pauses, her eyes welling up, then laughs as she wipes the tears away.] That’s a new thing—I never cried before. Just being a mother is making me a big, weepy mess.
On losing the baby weight: “I did it for the Campari job. [The workouts] were horrible. I cried. And I haven’t worked out since.
I wore a girdle. Eight weeks after my girlfriend had her baby, you could see her six-pack. She told me to put an elastic band around my waist—any kind of band or girdle works. She was like, “I slept in it.” I didn’t recover as fast as she did. I don’t have a sixpack—that’s just not my body at all.
I’m not completely back to where I was. It’s not the same, but it’s not that serious. I’d rather spend an evening with my baby and give her a bath and read her stories and watch her roll around than go work out in a gym.

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