It's no secret at this point that Faye Dunaway was less than pleased about Hilary Duff being chosen to reprise her legendary role in the upcoming film The Story of Bonnie and Clyde. Dunaway responded to the news rudely: "Couldn’t they at least cast a real actress?"
But don't expect Hilary to take the high road. Duff burned the actress while talking to E! News today:
"I think that my fans that are going to go see the movie don't even know who she is, so you know....I think it was a little unnecessary but I might be mad if I looked like that now too." Faye Dunaway as Bonnie in Bonnie and Clyde
Ouch! After some quick discussion, the Zimbio team concluded that even though Faye officially "started it" by publicly humiliating Hilary, Duff's response is a cheap shot. She had to resort to attacking Dunaway's looks (she's 68!) because she couldn't think of anything more substantial to say.
Never fear, Hilary, we've thought of a few comebacks that could have been more effective (which you can use, you know, if this exact situation every recurs):
1. Sorry, Faye, I'm not too familiar with your recent work - I haven't tuned into Lifetime in a while. Take that!
2. Don't most people begin their careers with guest spots on CSI?
3. The jury's still out on Mommie Dearest. You did a great job, but you were creepy and over the top, and according to Wikipedia the role ruined your career as a leading lady. Wikipedia never lies.
4. Faye's 2007 movie Rain was released straight to DVD. Nuff said.

she's nice and pretty and sexy also!
go on Hilary
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