Dcat Screen Saver 1.61 build 821
Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000/XP/2003 Server
No limitations.
Publisher's description of Dcat Screen Saver
Dcat Screen Saver is a screen saver, which allows you to use your own images and audio. The Screen Saver supports MP3, wave, and module audio files. There are 81 transitional effects available, which can be used to create a smaller list of effects. Images and the Transition effects can be shown in alphabetical order, list order, your own list order and your own list randomly or with no transitions at all. Besides Dcat Screen Saver being a traditional screen saver, it can also be run in a window. This allows the screen saver to be viewed whilst using the computer or just used as a standard screen saver. Dcat Screen Saver also has the ability to shut down the computer after a set amount of time. The Screen Saver can also be sent to the tray bar when no longer required. The last image displayed can be set as the wallpaper. The Audio can be tweaked several ways for best effect.Download Now

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