It’s February, the month of love and Valentine Day where gift giving is as important as love giving. ThinkGeek might have just the right Valentine’s Day gift for you, the Dynamic Love Life Shirt.

The Dynamic Life Shirt uses hearts to indicate your love energy level. As closer you come to another person with the same shirts functionality your (Love) energy level increases. Respectively, as further away you are from your boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, … less love energy will be available to master the (love) life.
The technology behind is simple yet effective, a transmitter box carried by one person persons detects the proximity of any Life Shirt and sends the distance to the animated heart decal. As shorter the distance as more hearts will light up.
To make the Life Shirt work you need at least one transmitter and one 8-Bit Dynamic Life Shirt. Place the tranmitter anywhere, on another person or your beloved car for examble and the hearts on the Shirt will light up in full strength as closer you come to the object of your affection.
The animated heart decal is removable (with hook and loop fasteners) for washing. The battery pack is concealed in a small pocket sewn inside the shirt. The 8-Bit Dynamic Life Shirt runs for hours off 3x AAA Batteries but the actual time will depend on how long and how close you are with your significant other.
Each shirt costs $ 24.99. The transmitter pack is not yet available, neither the cost of it.

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