Isla Fisher looks stunning in the Feb. issue of InStyle. Judging by how she looks all the time, you would never know it, but Isla tells the magazine that she is not a very good clothes shopper.

On Hollywood: I met with one big agent and he goes to me, ‘You are so talented’. I said, ‘Oh, gosh, thank you. What have you seen me in?’ And he said, ‘Nothing’. It was my first real taste of Hollywood.
On not being an "exercise person": You know the point where somebody working out starts to feel tired? Apparently, you get this second wind and you really start to sweat, and that’s when you get addicted. But for me, that’s the point I get off and have a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

On Hollywood: I met with one big agent and he goes to me, ‘You are so talented’. I said, ‘Oh, gosh, thank you. What have you seen me in?’ And he said, ‘Nothing’. It was my first real taste of Hollywood.
On not being an "exercise person": You know the point where somebody working out starts to feel tired? Apparently, you get this second wind and you really start to sweat, and that’s when you get addicted. But for me, that’s the point I get off and have a cup of tea and a slice of cake.

On Sacha Baron Cohen: Most people can say to their partners, ‘How was your day at work? What time are you home for dinner?’ I have to say, ‘Are you getting sued? Have you been arrested? Are you in jail? Are all your limbs still attached?’ He has more lawsuits than the Baldwin brothers.

On love and converting to Judaism: Love is an incredible gift if you’re lucky enough to receive it and give it, and I think having a baby is another whole level of love. I think it’s great to have those boundaries and have one day that’s sacred where we don’t talk about work. And I love having more structure and rituals in my life – it’s really enriching.
On fashion catastrophes: At the Golden Globes last year, I wore this beautiful midnight blue Hervé Léger dress with a fitted bodice and a huge skirt — it was incredible, like a princess meets a slut. But someone stepped on my train and ripped the back. There’s a classic shot where I’m smiling really serenely over my shoulder, but my tush is totally exposed! The Sun called me 'Isla Flasher', but what can you do?
On photographers in LA: With the paparazzi, it’s really difficult. You make decisions during your day based around how much privacy you can get for your child, and when you’re protecting a tiny person from scary men swarming around them with massive black things in their face, screaming their name, it takes on a whole new thing.
On being a natural beauty: I think nothing’s sexier than laughter lines. I think Lauren Hutton is beautiful and she’s natural. I haven’t done the white teeth – I haven’t really Americanised my look. But we’ll see what happens when you interview me in five years. Maybe I’ll be looking permanently surprised.
On Shopping: I shop very rarely and very poorly,” she confesses. “The [fashion] things I buy are rarely a hit. I’ll see something I like, and then take it home and it doesn’t work with anything else.

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