Beneton Movie GIF 1.1.2
Windows Me/2000/XP/Vista, DirectX 8.0 drivers
No limitations.
Publisher's description of Beneton Movie GIF
Beneton Movie GIF is a complete GIF editing tool. Either beginners oradvanced users will find an utility to this simple and effectiveprogram. BMG supports over 48 file formats, such as BMP, GIF, JPG, andPNG. Use drag-and-drop to move frames quickly. Multiple framesselecting makes it easy to delete, copy, cut, paste, or move a part ofyour animation. Many different effects such as rotate, distortion andtransition offer you many options to get the results you want in only afew clicks. Some rare but useful features are also included: you cansave and load a batch of single-frame files (frame1.bmp, frame2.bmp). Abuilt-in image editor offers an easy way to edit your frames with manytools (pencil, shapes, airbrush, alpha brush, fill, selection, text,onionskin, and others). Other features include individual frameproperties, and the ability to export as AVI video. Version 1.1.2 addssupport for GIF Disposal Method.Download Now

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