Technology and social networking helps ministers tend their flocks(Tech News)


In New Zealand, pastors are looking to technology to reach their flock. With social networking sites like BeBo and taking advantage of the fact that youths are using text messages more than the phone, ministers are including these options as indispensable tools in their quiver for reaching them. According to Rev Paul Stanaway, young people are more comfortable using technology to deal with difficult and uncomfortable issues in their lives. In addition, Church websites now have streaming church services and sermons, online bible studies, podcasts and even the lighting of virtual candles. Kids can rely on technology as a kind of layer between them and those they are confiding in, making them feel a little more at ease with sharing often embarrassing secrets or “sins.”

“We have a whole new congregation out there who I have never met,” said Rev Wally Behan, whos website gets thousands of hits every week. “Communication is changing so rapidly that we have to keep up with it and it presents us with huge opportunities.”

Technology and social networking helps ministers tend their flocks(Tech News)SocialTwist Tell-a-Friend

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